NCARB 2013 Annual Report


In the United States, the right to practice architecture and use the title “architect” are granted by state registration boards. These boards have the legal authority to establish licensure requirements, enforce licensure laws and regulations, and respond to complaints of unlicensed or unethical practice.


Every year, the Council gathers its Member Boards to vote on proposed changes to the requirements for NCARB certification, Legislative Guidelines and Model Law/Model Regulations, Rules of Conduct, Bylaws, and other issues pertinent to the body. During the Annual Meeting, Council delegates voted to pass six resolutions and the Mutual Recognition Agreement between NCARB and the Canadian Architectural Licensing Authorities (CALA).



Every year, an independent auditor evaluates the Council's financial records and then provides a report. This report includes statements on the organization's financial position, activities, cash flows, functional expenses, and notes to the financial statements.



The guide includes many of the acronyms and abbreviations associated with Council programs and initiatives and related organizations.


During the 2013 Annual Meeting, delegates representing 50 of the Council’s 54 Member Boards voted on six resolutions related to the requirements for certification and business procedures. View Resolutions


Signed in 1994, the Inter-Recognition Agreement established standards for mutual recognition between licensed architects in Canada and the United States. However, a comprehensive review of each country’s current requirements revealed the need for an updated agreement, the Mutual Recognition Agreement. The Council’s Member Boards voted to accept the agreement at the Annual Meeting, but 28 Member Boards and 6 Canadian provincial associations must officially sign a letter of undertaking for the agreement by 1 January 2014 for it to be implemented.


The Council’s organization structure, functions, and processes are governed by its Bylaws, which were updated in July 2013.


Headquartered in Washington, DC, NCARB has a staff of over 90 who work to provide the best possible service to our customers and our Member Boards. The staff, consisting of both architects and non-architects, is divided into seven directorates that provide a wealth of diverse experiences and skillsets to the organization.