NCARB 2013 Annual Report





Since 2001, the Council has awarded more than $800,000 to architecture programs that find innovative ways to bridge the gap between education and practice. The NCARB Award, formerly known as the NCARB Grant, has helped transform the way students and faculty approach the path to licensure by recognizing new programming that:

●  Integrates practice and education

●  Raises awareness of the architect’s responsibilities for the public health, safety, and welfare; and

●  Brings non-faculty practitioners into the academy.


2012 NCARB Award Recipients

Last year, the Council received a record-breaking number of submissions from 42 schools. A total of $75,000 was distributed to three schools, and three additional schools were recognized with honorable mentions. “There are very few opportunities for architecture programs to apply for funding for exploration, experimentation, and improvement of the curriculum,” said Robin Abrams, Head of the School of Architecture, North Carolina State University. “The NCARB Award is one of only a handful of such sources. Good ideas can also inspire and provide validation for changes to the curricula of schools that haven’t received such funding—thus, the Awards have a further reach than just the schools that receive them.”

Award Jury

The 2012 NCARB Award Jury rigorously and impartially evaluated proposals against a published set of criteria. The jury was comprised of seven architects who volunteered extensive time and expertise to fulfill their charge. Led by Daniel D. Bennett, FAIA, chair of the 2012 NCARB Award Jury, members of the jury included: Michael J. Andrejasich, AIA, Champaign, IL; David M. Biagi, NCARB, Lexington, KY; James R. Boyd, AIA, Charlottesville, VA; Chris E. Brasier, FAIA, Raleigh, NC; Creed W. Brierre, FAIA, NCARB, New Orleans, LA; Denis A. Henmi, FAIA, NCARB, San Francisco, CA. Award Jury members with any connection or potential conflict of interest abstained from voting on that school’s proposal.



NCARB Prize and NCARB Grant

The NCARB Grant and the NCARB Prize were initiated in response to Building Community: A New Future for Architectural Education, a report that drew attention to the divide between architecture schools and real-world practice.



The NCARB Grant was launched in 2006 and was built upon the success of the NCARB Prize. It provided funding for new initiatives and concepts to integrate practice and education in the academy—the inspiration for the NCARB Award.



The NCARB Prize was initiated in 2001 in response to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching’s report, Building Community: A New Future for Architecture Education and Practice (The Boyer Report). The Prize was designed to showcase and reward diverse programs and initiatives in academic settings. NCARB celebrated the 10th and final year of the NCARB Prize in 2011.

Honorable Mentions

The NCARB Award Jury also recognized three additional programs that demonstrated a commitment to uniquely integrating practice and education.

Program: University of Kansas School of Architecture, Design & Planning—Lawrence, KS

Proposal: "Integrating Specialized Knowledge in Architectural Curricula"


Program: University of Minnesota, School of Architecture—Minneapolis, MN

Proposal: "A Model for Licensure Upon Graduation: An Advanced Degree in Research Practice"


Program: University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), School of Architecture—Las Vegas, NV

Proposal: "The New School, Interdisciplinary Research & Design Investigation of the Contemporary Learning Environment"