NCARB 2014 Annual Report
Scott C. Veazey, AIA, NCARB National Council of Architectural Registration Boards;
John Padilla, AIA, NCARB American Institute of Architects
Committee Members:
L to R: Glenn Wiggins, Ph.D., AIA, ACSA Liaison; Kevin Fitzgerald, AIA, PMP, AIA Staff; Nick Serfass, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, PMP, NCARB Staff; Co-Chair Scott C. Veazey, AIA, NCARB; Co-Chair John Padilla, AIA, NCARB; Stephanie Kirschner, CDFA; Jenny Wilkinson, Mississippi Member Board Executive; Matthew S. Hart, Assoc. AIA; Jessica Sheridan, AIA, NCARB, LEED APBD+C; Martin Smith, AIA, NCARB, LEED GA, NCARB Staff; Linaea Floden, LEED GA, AIAS Liaison, IDP Student Coordinator; Michael Archer, Assoc. AIA; Jeanne Jackson, FAIA, NCARB, LEED AP; Kathleen L. Lane, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP CACE Liaison; Shannon Peterson, AIA, NCARB, LEED APBD+C, IDP State Coordinator; Erin Murphy, AIA, AIA Staff; David L. Hoffman, FAIA, NCARB, SCDP, Board liaison, Kansas Member Board Member; Daniel D. Bennett, FAIA, Alabama Member Board Member; and Harry M. Falconer Jr. AIA, NCARB, NCARB Staff
Not pictured: Sarah Wallace, CDFA, LEED GA, SDA Liaison
The Internship Advisory Committee evaluates the effectiveness and appropriateness of the Council’s internship policies in order to advise the development and implementation of the Intern Development Program (IDP) for use by Member Boards.
Highlights for this year included analyzing the results of the 2012 NCARB Practice Analysis, reviewing the “licensure upon graduation” proposals from the Intern Think Tank, and advising upon the streamlined and overhaul program options presented through the IDP Special Project.
● Advised the IDP Special Project team to pursue one specific streamlined option, one specific overhaul option, and an expansion of supplemental experience.
● Identified that no immediate content changes to the IDP are necessary as a result of data collected through the 2012 NCARB Practice Analysis.
● Suggested enhancements to the marketing, titling, and credit structure of the Emerging Professionals Companion (EPC) in order to increase its usage.
● Recommended that the reporting requirement (i.e., six-month rule) not apply to transcript-based supplemental experience (e.g., advanced degrees, AIA continuing education, LEED AP, CDT, CCCA, and CCS).
● Recommended that advanced degrees conferred concurrently with first professional degrees be awarded IDP credit through the advanced degree option within supplemental experience. This recommendation is being forwarded to the IDP Special Project Team for Board consideration within the scope of that project.
● Encouraged the development of a new supplemental experience option tied to the latest edition of the Architect’s Handbook for Professional Practice.
Internship Advisory Committee
© National Council of Architectural Registration Boards
1801 K Street NW Suite 700K
Washington, DC, 20006