Every year, NCARB invites emerging professionals from around the country to apply for one of two volunteer groups: the Think Tank for licensure candidates and Re-Think Tank for recently licensed architects.

Through a series of in-person and virtual events, members share feedback on licensure programs, brainstorm areas for improvement, and engage with NCARB leadership. Many alumni go on to volunteer for our standing committees, task forces, and even state licensing boards.



Over the years, members have explored complex topics related to the value of licensure, shifts in practice, supervisor support, the exam’s evolution, and diversifying the profession. In addition to conducting independent research, here are a few of the resources past Think Tank and Re-Think Tank groups have developed or contributed to:

“Working with NCARB is always invigorating and constantly challenges us to participate in shaping our profession,” said 2018-2019 Think Tank Chair Kerry Bartini. “We have the responsibility, no matter where we are in our careers, to keep learning, while also holding out a hand to the generation behind us.”

Please note: Applications for the 2022 Re-Think Tank are open until September 2, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. ET