As a former, current, or future ARE candidate, remember: Confidence in the validity of your exam scores is essential to affirming your competence to practice architecture. If frequent occurrences of examinee misconduct lead to doubts about the validity of ARE exam scores, then the validity of ARE results earned by candidates who have abided by the terms of the ARE Candidate Agreement might also be called into question.

Help NCARB protect the integrity of the exam and the validity of exam scores by reporting any and all security concerns or suspected misconduct you might observe on the part of other examinees. Not only is it in your best interest to report security concerns, but it is an obligation you are bound to uphold after accepting the ARE Candidate Agreement.

By reporting any suspicions or information you might have that another ARE examinee has reproduced, shared, or is in possession of ARE content, you will be protecting the credibility of all candidates who have appropriately demonstrated their abilities on the ARE.

Help protect the public, the ARE, and yourself by reporting even minor concerns to NCARB. Contact our ARE Security Tip Line at

All information you share will remain confidential, and NCARB will not disclose your identity unless required to by law.