Are you a candidate pursuing a career in architecture? Our Architect Licensing Advisor Community can help you find the best tools and resources for navigating the path to licensure! 

But what exactly are licensing advisors? Architect licensing advisors are local professionals, educators, and students who volunteer their time to help others succeed on the path to licensure. These volunteers often provide candidates with their first glimpse into the licensure process, pointing candidates to the best tools and resources along the way.  

How can I benefit from a licensing advisor? If you’re working toward a career in architecture, an advisor can help you navigate the various steps and qualifications—from completing the AXP and passing the ARE, to meeting all the licensure and reciprocity requirements. NAAB-accredited architecture programs and most American Institute of Architects (AIA) state chapters have an advisor. You can find contact information for yours here

Learning about the Licensing Advisor Community. To ensure all volunteers understand NCARB’s programs and are ready to provide candidates with the most useful information possible, we regularly provide our advisors with various training opportunities and tools.

Interested in becoming a licensing advisor? Contact