In architecture, your ability to earn your license is dependent on your employer’s support for your licensure goals. We’re working to create resources that will help architecture firms better support candidates on the path to licensure. Want to guide our efforts? Take this 5-minute survey so we can better understand current gaps in licensure support!

Sign Up for Future Studies
Want to participate in our regular surveys about the path to licensure and beyond? Subscribe to our email lists to be the first to find out.
Whether you’re recently licensed or are working toward becoming an architect, your insights will highlight where firms are doing well—and where they could do better.
By taking the anonymous survey, you will build on our joint Baseline on Belonging survey with NOMA and help us identify how firms are helping their employees navigate the experience program, prepare for the licensing exam, and more. This follow-up research will inform the development of several resources as we work to create a licensure path that’s accessible for individuals of all backgrounds.
About Building on Belonging
Initially launched in early February 2020, NCARB and NOMA’s Baseline on Belonging study explored impediments on the path to licensure with a goal of better understanding the barriers impacting women, people of color, and other underrepresented groups in the profession. The study highlighted a broad spectrum of disparities affecting minorities at every stage of the licensure process.
Now, NCARB and NOMA have launched phase two, Building on Belonging, to advance on action items established in the initial study. Be on the lookout for additional brief surveys, new resources, and other news in the months ahead—subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates!