As we work to ensure that the path to licensure is accessible for individuals of all backgrounds, NCARB and NOMA are gathering data on impediments to licensure, including those that disproportionately impact individuals with disabilities. Whether or not you have a disability, take 5-10 minutes today to complete our latest Building on Belonging survey. This information will help NCARB develop future pathways to licensure that are accessible, flexible, and meet the needs of the next generation of architects.

Take the Survey

Findings from this brief survey will help us identify how NCARB can better support candidates of all backgrounds. We encourage all students, candidates, and architects to participate, regardless of disability status. Your responses are confidential. NCARB will report on the survey findings in aggregate and ensure no personal information is identifiable.

More on Baseline on Belonging

In February 2020, NCARB and NOMA launched the initial Baseline on Belonging survey to gather information about experiences and impediments along the path to licensure, with the goal of better understanding pain points and barriers for underrepresented groups in the architecture profession.

NCARB and NOMA released a compiled report highlighting key findings from each section and for each demographic group. The report also includes a plan of action, developed through a series of focus groups with NOMA’s membership, featuring a variety of solutions to address some of the impediments identified in the study—including the accessibility of the current licensure path, awareness of steps to earn a license, the significance of age and candidates’ progress, and more. Read the full action plan and explore current progress on many of the action items.

If you are interested in sharing how a disability or chronic condition impacted your path to licensure and are unable to complete the survey, please contact us at

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