When the Architect Registration Examination® (ARE®) migrates to our new test delivery vendor, PSI, NCARB will enhance the information provided on ARE 5.0 score reports. The new score reports are designed to provide you with clearer feedback on failed division performance so you understand where to focus your test prep before retaking a division. Score report formatting will be updated for all past and future ARE 5.0 score reports, including for divisions you’ve previously attempted with Prometric.
What’s Changed
- You’ll see percentage-based performance information within each divisional content area, comparing the percent of items you answered correctly to the average percent answered correctly by candidates who previously passed the division. This percentage-based information replaces the previous level-based feedback.
- ARE divisions taken with PSI will include a scaled score, which provides a consistent metric for interpreting scores across administrations. Scaled scores will not be provided for passing exam scores or for exams previously taken with Prometric.
Score Reporting
All divisions of the ARE are administered and graded by a computer on a pass/fail basis. Although you may view provisional feedback at the end of your exam appointment, your score is not official until you receive your official score report within your NCARB Record. Your official score report contains complete information about the appointment, your performance on the exam, and rolling clock information.
Score reports are typically processed within one week of your test date. When your score has been processed and is available, you’ll receive an email from NCARB.
Reading Your Official Score Report
All score reports are clearly labeled pass or fail along the top of the first page. On passing score reports, the division's expiration date—five years after the date of your exam—is also noted. Reports include a verification link should anyone need to confirm the authenticity of your score. All of your rolling clock information is provided on the lower half of the first page.

On the top half of the second page of your score report, you’ll see a description of the sections assessed within the division. These descriptions correspond with percentage-based performance feedback provided on failing score reports, which is provided at the bottom half of the page. If you fail, use the feedback to guide your preparation for your retest. Performance feedback, including a scaled score on page one, is not provided on passing score reports for several reasons—most importantly because the exam is designed to assess your knowledge and skills, not to be used as a teaching tool.
When reviewing a score report, keep in mind, a pass/fail decision on an ARE division is determined by the total number of items answered correctly across all sections and is not based on individual performance within each section; however, performance in the content areas with the larger percentage of content will have the greatest impact on a score.

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