Read the Education Guidelines
Learn more about the Education Standard and understand how your course credits could transfer to the equivalent of a NAAB-accredited architecture degree.
The NCARB Education Standard approximates the requirements of a professional degree from a program accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). It includes liberal arts classes, architecture classes, and electives, which together comprise a professional education in architecture.
The Education Standard is primarily used to evaluate the educational background of individuals who hold a degree outside of a NAAB-accredited program, including degrees that are not related to architecture, architecture degrees from programs not accredited by the NAAB, and degrees earned outside the United States or Canada. The Education Standard is most often relevant for people who are pursuing architectural licensure or NCARB certification as a foreign applicant, or those pursuing NCARB certification through the Two Times AXP or Certificate Portfolio Education Alternatives.
If you are pursuing licensure or certification through these paths, you can use the Education Evaluation Services for Architects (EESA) program offered by the NAAB. Through this program, the NAAB will review your existing education credits and determine if they meet the requirements of a NAAB-accredited degree. If any deficiencies are identified, you can take additional coursework. Once the necessary coursework is completed, the NAAB could then determine that your education is equivalent to a degree from a NAAB-accredited program.
Learn more about the education requirement and the NCARB Education Standard in the Education Guidelines.
Please note: the NAAB charges a fee for EESA evaluations.