While NCARB works to create national standards and programs for the profession, licenses to practice architecture are issued by the state where you are practicing.

The 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands each have an architecture board that is responsible for issuing licenses, regulating the practice of architecture within its borders, and protecting the public’s health, safety, and welfare. Together, the 55 jurisdictions make up NCARB’s membership and work with NCARB to develop national standards and programs.

Licensing Requirements

Before practicing architecture in a jurisdiction, you must meet the requirements for licensure established by that jurisdiction. Visit our licensing requirements tool to view and compare the requirements for establishing and maintaining an architecture license across the United States.

Contact Information

For specific questions, contact your jurisdiction’s licensing board.

Alabama Board for Registration of Architects
Contact: Paula Pilgreen | 334-242-4179

Board of Registration for Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors
Contact: Joseph Bonnell | 907-465-2450

Arizona Board of Technical Registration
Contact: Julie Pham | 602-364-4955

Arkansas State Board of Architects, Landscape Architects & Interior Designers
Contact: Shana W. Bryant | 501-682-3171

California Architects Board
Contact: Laura Zuniga | 916-574-7220

Colorado State Board of Licensure for Architects, Professional Engineers, and Professional Land Surveyors
Contact: Joyce J. Young | 303-894-7800

Department of Consumer Protection Occupational & Professional Licensing Division, Architectural Licensing Board
Contact: Marguerite Poisson | 860-713-6135

Division of Professional Regulation: Board of Architects
Contact: Tashana Branch | 302-744-4500

District of Columbia
D.C. Board of Architecture & Interior Design
Contact: Leon Lewis | 202-442-4320

Florida Board of Architecture and Interior Design
Contact: Stacey Buccieri | 850-717-1982

Georgia State Board of Architects & Interior Designers
Contact: Laurie Elander | 470-355-4558

Board of Registration for Professional Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors
Contact: Catherine Sablan Gutierrez | 671-646-3138

Board of Professional Engineers, Architects, Surveyors & Landscape Architects
Contact: Sheena Choy | 808-586-2702

Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses
Contact: Justin Touchstone | 208-334-3233

Illinois Dept. of Financial and Professional Regulation
Contact: Kyle Lazell | 217-524-3210

Indiana Professional Licensing Agency
Contact: Amy Hall | 317-234-3022

Iowa Architectural Examining Board
Contact: Lori SchraderBachar | 515-725-9030

Kansas State Board of Technical Professions: Engineering, Architecture, Geology, Landscape Architecture and Land Surveying
Contact: Larry Karns | 785-296-3055

Kentucky Board of Architects
Contact: Cordelia Harbut | 859-246-2069

Louisiana Board of Architectural Examiners
Contact: Tyson Ducote | 225-925-4802

State Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, & Interior Designers
Contact: Regina Ritchie | 207-624-8524

Maryland Board of Architects Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation
Contact: Zevi Thomas | 410-230-6262

Massachusetts Board of Registration of Architects
Contact: Marjorie Campbell | 617-701-8690

Michigan Board of Architects
Contact: Robin Sirls | 517-241-0199

Minnesota Board of AELSLAGID
Contact: Doreen Johnson | 651-296-2388

Mississippi State Board of Architecture
Contact: John Cothron | 888-272-2627

Missouri Board for Architects, Prof. Engineers, Prof. Land Surveyors & Landscape Architects
Contact: Rhonda Bullock | 573-751-0047

Montana Board of Architects & Landscape Architects
Contact: Amy Pfarr | 406-841-2244

Nebraska Board of Engineers & Architects
Contact: Jon Wilbeck | 402-471-2021

Nevada Board of Arch., Interior Design & Residential Design
Contact: Monica Harrison | 702-486-7300

New Hampshire
New Hampshire Joint Board of Licensure and Certification: Board of Architects
Contact: Chelsea Bourbeau | 603-271-6773

New Jersey
New Jersey Board of Architects
Contact: Charles Kirk | 973-504-6385

New Mexico
Board of Examiners for Architects
Contact: Melarie Gonzales | 505-476-4830

New York
N.Y. State Education Department: Office of the Professions, State Board of Architecture
Contact: Robert Lopez, RA | 518-474-3817 x110

North Carolina
North Carolina Board of Architecture
Contact: Cathe M. Evans | 984-328-1161

North Dakota
North Dakota State Board of Architecture
Contact: Bonnie Staiger, Hon. AIA | 701-223-3540

Northern Mariana Islands
CNMI Board of Professional Licensing
Contact: Esther Fleming |  670-664-4809

Ohio Architects Board
Contact: Shannon Himes | 614-466-1327

Oklahoma Board of Governors of Architects, Landscape Architects and Licensed Interior Designers
Contact: Leslie Hanska | 405-949-2383

Oregon Board of Architect Examiners
Contact: Lisa Howard | 503-763-0662

PA State Architects Licensure Board
Contact: Jessica Harris | 717-783-3397

Puerto Rico
Assistant Secretary of State for Examining Boards
Contact: Marianne Cortina Aldebol | 787-722-2122

Rhode Island
Rhode Island Board of Examination and Registration of Architects
Contact: Dawne Broadfield | 401-462-9594

South Carolina
South Carolina State Board of Architectural Examiners
Contact: Lenora Addison-Miles | 803-896-4408

South Dakota
South Dakota State Board of Technical Professions
Contact: Jodi Aumer | 605-206-4476

Tennessee Board of Architectural & Engineering Examiners
Contact: Glenn Kopchak | 615-741-3449

Texas Board of Architectural Examiners
Contact: Mike Alvarado | 512-305-8539

Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
Contact: Stephen Duncombe | 801-530-6235

Vermont State Board of Architects
Contact: Kara Shangraw | 802-828-1501

Virgin Islands
Department of Licensing & Consumer Affairs
Contact: Nathalie Hodge | 340-713-3522 ext.3250

Contact: Kathleen Nosbisch | 804-367-8506

Architect Registration Board
Contact: Sydney Muhle | 360-664-1388

West Virginia
West Virginia Board of Architects
Contact: Emily Papadopoulos | 304-558-1406

Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services
Contact: Adam Barr |  608-266-2112

WY State Board of Architects & Landscape Architects
Contact: Emily Cronbaugh | 307-777-6529


Each jurisdiction also belongs to an NCARB region. Once a year, the 55 jurisdictions gather for NCARB’s Annual Business Meeting, where representatives vote on resolutions regarding programs, guidelines, NCARB Model Law and Regulations, and Model Rules of Conduct. These members also elect NCARB’s officers and directors and serve on the committees that guide the development of the architecture profession.

Get Involved

Interested in volunteering for your state licensing board? Contact your board to learn more.