If you are a U.S. architect interested in applying for reciprocal registration in Mexico through the Tri-National Mutual Recognition Agreement, follow the steps below.

Although forms are available in English and Spanish for your reference, all submitted documents must be in Spanish unless otherwise noted. If you are a U.S. architect seeking licensure in Canada, please see the Canada section. If you are a Mexican architect seeking licensure in the U.S. or Canada, contact Federación de Colegios de Arquitectos de la República Mexicana, A.C. (FCARM) for more information.

  1. Review the program information for additional details. [Spanish] [English] [French]
  2. Review the eligibility requirements and update your NCARB Record, if necessary.
  3. Complete the application form. [Spanish] [English] [French]
  4. Complete the resume form and include it as the first document in your dossier. [Spanish] [English] [French]
  5. Complete each of the three forms related to the competencies required by the agreement and include them in your dossier:
    Competency Area A [Spanish] [English] [French]
    Competency Area B [Spanish] [English] [French]
    Competency Area C [Spanish] [English] [French]
  6. Submit your completed dossier to:
    Policy + International Relations Department
    Tri-National MRA Program
    1401 H Street NW, Suite 500
    Washington, DC 20005
  7. Have your jurisdiction compose a letter of good standing based on this template. This letter may be submitted in English. Your board should send the letter directly to NCARB to the attention of:
    Policy + International Relations Department
    Tri-National MRA Program
    1401 H Street NW, Suite 500
    Washington, DC 20005
  8. NCARB will conduct a review of your information and forward it to FCARM in Mexico.
  9. Your dossier will be reviewed by FCARM.
  10. Following acceptance of your dossier, FCARM will contact you to schedule an interview. Your interview will be conducted in Spanish without the assistance of a translator, and you will be responsible for all expenses related to travel and accommodation. 
  11. Receive a cedula (license) from the Mexican government. Using the cedula, you will have one year to complete the licensure process in a Mexican jurisdiction. Once licensed, you are responsible for complying with local laws, regulations, ethics, professional liability insurance, continuing education, and other requirements related to maintaining and renewing your cedula.

Fees for completing the Tri-National MRA process are payable to the national regulatory authority of the host country and are subject to change.

  • Application: $500
  • Dossier Review: $2,000
  • Interview: $5,000

Additional fees may be assessed by the individual state, provincial, or territorial authorities for initial licensure and license renewal.

Need Help?
Contact Bryan Vallejo, International Relations Manager, for more information about beginning the Tri-National application process.