On Friday, May 10, 2024, NCARB’s Futures Collaborative hosted a virtual roundtable on the topic of space architecture. NCARB volunteers and industry innovators met to discuss their work and efforts to emphasize architects’ value in designing space habitats.

Five leaders in the space architecture field discussed the progression of space architecture and the important role architects can play in designing extra-terrestrial habitats as mission type and duration evolve. Members, volunteers, and expert panelists also explored the ways in which NCARB, as a facilitator of licensure, could help to provide recognition to this specialist field and might assist in establishing guidelines and standards that prioritize the welfare of future inhabitants of space environments.

During the discussion, volunteers explored the value of an architect within the space architecture industry and the training and skills necessary for architects to be successful within the space industry.

Panelists and space experts also discussed how space architecture could be integrated into architectural education and specialized training, acknowledging that learning from off-planet environments can benefit many terrestrial settings.

The NCARB Futures Collaborative will continue exploring how future trends impact regulation and how our programs can adapt to face future challenges.


What is the Futures Collaborative?

Established in 2017, the Futures Collaborative explores challenges and opportunities that could transform how NCARB and its members facilitate the licensing and credentialing of architects. The collaborative is composed of leading architects, experts in emerging technologies, and architectural licensing board members who work collectively to monitor and research changes in the regulatory environment and architecture practice.