Washington, DC –The number of architects licensed in the United States in 2023 increased slightly when compared to 2022, according to the annual Survey of Architectural Registration Boards. The jump from 119,906 total U.S. architects in 2022 to 121,368 in 2023 represents about a 1% increase.  

 Conducted each year by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), the survey provides exclusive insights into data from the architectural licensing boards of the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.   

The number of architects has hovered around 120,000 since 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic impacted licensure progress. While there has been significant gain along the licensure path this past year, including a 7% increase in licensure candidates, a considerable number (approximately 13%) of existing architects are over the age of 65. While the total number of architects has increased, the number of reciprocal (out-of-state) licenses decreased by 2% in 2023. This could be a reflection of near-retirees phasing down their areas of practice.  

Jurisdiction Total Architects In-State Architects Out-of-State Architects
Alabama            3,168               867            2,301
Alaska               629               234               395
Arizona            6,441            2,313            4,128
Arkansas            1,983               549            1,434
California          20,814          16,639            4,124
Colorado*            8,392            3,835            4,557
Connecticut            4,635            1,306            3,329
Delaware***            1,903               875            1,028
District of Columbia***            3,975            1,828            2,147
Florida          11,934            5,677            6,257
Georgia* and ***            5,183            2,332            2,851
Guam                 99                 32                 67
Hawaii            2,539            1,012            1,527
Idaho            2,305               450            1,855
Illinois            9,686            5,738            3,948
Indiana            3,957            1,284            2,673
Iowa            2,391               639            1,752
Kansas            2,810               887            1,923
Kentucky            2,902               708            2,194
Louisiana            3,526            1,292            2,234
Maine            1,944               535            1,409
Maryland***            6,720            3,091            3,629
Massachusetts            7,707            4,171            3,536
Michigan***            5,771            2,655            3,116
Minnesota            3,877            2,054            1,823
Mississippi            1,690               350            1,340
Missouri            5,801            2,240            3,561
Montana            2,006               557            1,449
Nebraska            1,991               550            1,441
Nevada            2,920               534            2,386
New Hampshire            1,920               267            1,653
New Jersey            7,946            3,187            4,759
New Mexico            2,297               708            1,589
New York          21,461          11,856            9,605
North Carolina            7,160            2,842            4,318
North Dakota            1,197               175            1,022
Northern Mariana Islands                 31                 14                 17
Ohio            7,314            3,413            3,901
Oklahoma            2,632               817            1,815
Oregon            4,101            2,096            2,005
Pennsylvania*            9,100            4,268            4,832
Puerto Rico            2,863            2,407               456
Rhode Island            1,813               361            1,452
South Carolina            4,680            1,185            3,495
South Dakota               972               113               859
Tennessee            4,400            1,547            2,853
Texas          16,496          10,152            6,344
U.S. Virgin Isands               184                 91                 93
Utah***            3,359            1,545            1,814
Vermont            1,430               340            1,090
Virginia            7,695            2,933            4,762
Washington            6,961            3,953            3,008
West Virginia            1,483               118            1,365
Wisconsin            5,144            1,609            3,535
Wyoming            1,383               136            1,247
TOTAL        263,721        121,368        142,302

* Data from 2023 survey 

*** Ratio of in-state vs. out-of-state licenses estimated based on national data 

About NCARB   

The National Council of Architectural Registration Boards’ membership is made up of the architectural licensing boards of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. NCARB, in collaboration with these boards, facilitates the licensure and credentialing of architects to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public.   

To achieve these goals, NCARB works with its Member Boards and volunteers to develop and facilitate standards for licensure, including the national examination and experience program. NCARB also recommends regulatory guidelines for licensing boards and helps architects expand their professional reach through the NCARB Certificate. Connect with NCARB on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.