"The architect's ultimate concern is to provide an acceptable level of building resistance to wind forces."
—from the monograph
To misjudge the effect...
Green building is "the most successful environmental movement of our time," according to James Hartzfeld, former chairman of the US Green Building...
"Designing sustainably offers me the possibility to celebrate the continual renewal of life by creating in ways that honor both human purpose and the...
"The shock of the occasional failure brings us to our senses and forces us to reevaluate our conduct."
—Robert A. Rubin and Lisa A. Banick, "The Hyatt...
"An alarming number of buildings suffer from moisture and mold problems. No single document can address all the issues related to moisture intrusion...
"To provide high-quality design service to clients, someone in the architect's office should possess a general knowledge of all low-slope roof system...