To complete the AXP through the portfolio method, you will need to demonstrate competency in 96 tasks identified across the program's six experience areas.

  1. Application

Before you can begin building your online portfolio, you’ll need to fill out and submit the AXP Portfolio application. This process includes listing all work experiences from high school graduation to the present. You will also need to identify your supervisor.

  1. Creating Your NCARB Record

After you submit your eligibility application, NCARB staff will review your work history to ensure you have the experience required to complete the AXP Portfolio. Once your eligibility has been approved, you will need to log in to or create your NCARB Record.

  1. Report Past Experience

Through your Record, you will report any work that qualifies for experience setting A or O: Other Work Experience Under Licensed Professionals. You will submit these experience reports to your AXP Portfolio supervisor.

  1. NCARB Review

After your supervisor approves your work history, NCARB staff will complete a final review and give you access to the portfolio documentation system.

  1. Build Your AXP Portfolio

To complete your AXP Portfolio, you will need to upload and assign at least one exhibit per task that demonstrates your experience and competency in that area.

  1. Submit for Supervisor Review

You will submit your AXP Portfolio for review by experience area. Your portfolio supervisor will review your exhibits and determine if the uploaded exhibits demonstrated competent performance of each AXP task. Once your supervisor is satisfied, NCARB will complete a final review. Upon approval you will have completed the AXP.


Exhibits will typically include PDFs, images of drawings, certificates, word documents, or similar records. Each exhibit can be associated with multiple tasks. View a list of potential exhibits.

Note: To complete the AXP through this process, you will need to meet all of the AXP's requirements. You cannot complete the experience requirement through a combination of reporting hours and the AXP portfolio. You can still participate in the portfolio option if you have submitted hours, but they will not count toward the portfolio requirements.

Have questions about the AXP Portfolio? Contact us at or download the AXP Guidelines for more details.

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